
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Get Steampunked!

Get Steampunked!

This is a new genre to me - one I believe I will enjoy.
I have chosen the Cogged challenge level - 15 books!  My reviews will be posted on LibraryThing and linked for each book.

  1. The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson (review)
  2. The Difference Engine - William Gibson & Bruce Sterling (review)
  3. Boneshaker - Cherie Priest (review)
  4. Leviathan - Scott Westerfeld
  5. Clementine - Cherie Priest 
  6. The Somnambulist - Jonathan Barnes  (why this is considered steampunk, I do not know.)
  7. The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi  (again, why is this steampunk?)
  8. Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
  9. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters - Gordon Dahlquist
  10. The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack - Mark Hodder
  11. Dreadnought - Cherie Priest
  12. Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate - 1)- Gail Carriger 
  13. New Amsterdam - Elizabeth Bear 
  14. Changless (The Parasol Protectorate - 2) - Gail Carriger

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